Planning Board

The Planning Board is actively involved with all aspects of land use within the Town, including regulation of the Subdivision Control Law and Newbury's Zoning Bylaw.

Are you wondering what steps to take? Click here for guidance on subdivisions, site plan review, and other land use permits.

The Newbury Planning Board is responsible for:
•Updating the Town's Master Plan and other long-range planning documents
•Holding Public Hearings and making recommendations on proposed Zoning or amendments
•Determining if a plan is exempt (ANR) from State Subdivision Control Law
•Adopting Subdivision Rules and Regulations
•Review and Approval or Disapproval of Subdivision Plans
•Continuously reviewing the Zoning Bylaw for improvements and amendments to meet the demands of the Town and its growth patterns  
The Newbury Planning Board is not responsible for:
•Enforcing Zoning Bylaws (Zoning Enforcement Official)
•Administrative Appeals (for example, regarding the Building Inspector's decisions)
•Granting Variances
•Wetland Protection Act and regulation permits and enforcement
•Title V (septic system) permits and enforcement
•Business Licenses or permits

The adoption of Zoning bylaws or amendments must be done at Town Meeting by at least a 2/3 majority vote. The primary zoning enforcement officer in Newbury is the Building Inspector. Appeals and requests for variances are handled by the Zoning Board of Appeals. Wetlands regulation is the responsibility of the Conservation Commission. Title V regulation is the responsibility of the Health Agent and the Board of Health. Business permits are granted by the Select Board.

For more information on the MBTA Multi-Family Housing zoning proposal including the bylaw and overlay district map, visit this page


Staff Members


Kristen Grubbs

Planning Director

(978) 465-0862, ext. 336

Martha Taylor

Special Projects Planner

(978) 465-0862, ext. 312

Assistant Planner

Board Members

NameTitleTerm ExpiresAdditional Appointments

Lawrence Murphy


May 11, 2027

Alternate MVPC Commissioner

Peter Paicos

Vice Chair

May 12, 2026

Woody Knight


May 9, 2028

Planning Board Member of Conservation Commission

Scott Kinter


May 8, 2029

Mary Stohn


May 13, 2025

Stephen Mangion

Associate Member

June 30, 2025
