Shorebird Monitoring back in Effect on Plum Island

Now that we have sprung into the month of April, we want to advise residents, guests, and visitors that shorebird monitoring is back on Plum Island! MassAudubon has completed the installation of its primary fencing to help protect nesting shorebirds on Newbury and Newburyport beaches. The field team will continue to monitor sites and adjust fencing as nesting activity evolves.

As a reminder, beginning on May 15 and going through September 15, dogs are not allowed on the Newbury public beach between the hours of 8:30 am and 5:30 pm, even if they are on a leash. For more information on this rule, and the protection of local shorebird populations, please visit this page. You can also find information on that page related to the delineation of the public beach and the 2022 shorebird nest site maps.

For any questions, please feel free to reach out to the Conservation Agent through any of the contact methods below. You can also visit the MassAudubon Coastal Waterbird Program webpage for more info.

Conservation contact information:
Phone: 978-465-0862 ext 310
Office: 12 Kent Way, Suite 101, Byfield, MA 01922